Wednesday, February 14, 2007


 Calumny(n): Malicious misrepresentation; aspersion.

Movie stars have to deal with a lot of calumny in their career.

Knave (n): Untrustworthy person; rogue.

To have a reputation of a knave

Eclectic (adj): Selective.

His collection of paintings were truely eclectic.

Palpable (adj): easily perceptible, tangible.

Due to her palpable nature, she had been cheated many a times.

Machinations (n): Evil schemes or plots.

The officer got to know about the machinations of the crook.

Wallow (v): To indulge in; roll in.

The elephant loves to wallow in water.

Dauntless (adj): Bold, audacious.

His dauntless move made them win the war.

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