Tuesday, February 13, 2007

day one

Wangle (v): Wiggle out; fake.

She tried to wangle out of the conversation.

Amicable (adj): Politely friendly.

Her amicable nature attracted many people to her.

Analogous (adj): Comparable.

He gave an analogous example of the same situation we were in and gave us a solution.

Balk (v): Foil.

The CBI took necessary precautions to balk the forgery attempt of the gang.

Callow (adj): Immature, youthful or inexperienced.

she was too callow for this demanding job.

Debonair (adj): Friendly; aiming to please.

The debonair youth was liked by everyone in his class.

(n): Noxious smell.

The chemistry lab was engulfed in an effluvium atmosphere.


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